These are the most crucial steps to preparing your home, don’t skip these!
The Home Prep List
Time to think like a buyer! Put yourself in a buyer's shoes! What would attract a buyer? What would make a buyer stop and think? What would a buyer enjoy? Let that guide every step of the process, create something you’d like to buy.
Clean, De-Cluter, and Clean some more. A clean environment helps a buyer appreciate and soak in the assets of your home. If your home is poorly maintained and dirty buyers will focus on these things and can hinder the sale of your home.
Neutral works wonders. Potential buyers need to envision themselves in the home, and that's hard to do if there's a bright pink wall, mismatched pillow patterns, and seductive pictures on the walls. It’s best to neutralize where possible and minimize and neutralize.
Minimize to Maximize Space. Less is more less furniture, less decor, and de-personalize. The less the better. Remove half of your clothes from your closet, and remove half of the books on your shelves, these small things can give the appearance of a larger home. Think Ikea!
Get Photo Ready. Think of dating apps! Pictures can determine a left or a right swipe! In real estate, pictures are even more important. Making sure you have proper lighting and professional pictures to properly show off your home to the world is key.
Fix it. If there are minor things that can overall help your home look better and make a good impression fix it. A dented door, or leaky faucet, a broken window or a bad lightbulb fix it! Before you list the home make sure these repairs are done as all these things can show up on an inspection report.
Add a little Spice! Add that magical touch that will set your home apart from all the others. Whether it’s fresh flowers a candle or freshly baked cookies. Someone will be able to envision themselves living in your home because of these key spices.
Plan for Showtime - Everyone gets so caught up in home prep, and most forget the most essential part, scheduling. Where will you go during showings? Where will the dog go? How will you keep your place clean during showings? Preparing and having a plan before the big weekend your list is essential to a smooth and easy first weekend.